Women in Aviation Wall of Fame

March 8, 2024

Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport is thrilled to unveil the Women in Aviation Wall of Fame. Launched on International Women's Day, we will introduce a new honoree every month for the remainder of 2024.  

Located on the departures level of our atrium in the passenger terminal, the Women in Aviation Wall of Fame honors the extraordinary contributions of eight trailblazing women who have left an indelible mark on the aviation industry.

Honouree #1: Amelia Earhart

Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, photograph by Harris & Ewing, [reproduction number LC-DIG-hec-40747]

Amelia Earhart's journey into the skies began with a transformative visit to Toronto in 1917. At the age of 20, Earhart ventured to the bustling city, where she found herself captivated by the burgeoning aviation scene. Toronto, a hub of aviation activity during World War I, provided an electrifying backdrop for Earhart's introduction to flight. In her own words, she described the atmosphere as "charged with the promise of adventure and discovery."

She worked as a nurse’s aide at the Spadina Military Hospital and became acquainted with Royal Flying Corps (RFC) officers stationed nearby. This is where her passion for flight was kindled and where she fell in love with aviation, in particular when exposed to the excitement of local airshows.

Inspired by her time in Toronto, Earhart resolved to pursue her dreams of flight with unwavering determination. She embarked on a journey that would see her defy societal norms and shatter barriers in the male-dominated field of aviation. In 1932, Earhart etched her name in the annals of history by becoming the first woman to soar solo across the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. Her courageous feat captured the world's imagination and solidified her status as an aviation pioneer.

Throughout her illustrious career, Earhart continued to push the boundaries of aviation, setting records and blazing trails for future generations of women in the field. Her relentless spirit and determination continue to inspire generations, making her a fitting inaugural honoree for Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport’s Women in Aviation Wall of Fame.