Toronto Community Polling

March 21, 2022

Executive Summary:

In November 2021, Nieuport Aviation and PortsToronto commissioned a survey of residents of downtown Toronto – living in the Waterfront, Old Toronto, and York/East York neighborhoods - on public perceptions and attitudes towards YTZ.

The survey found:

• 87% of Toronto residents surveyed hold a favourable opinion of Billy Bishop.

• 85% agree that is an economic benefit for the city and local communities.

• 2 out of 3 Torontonians surveyed have flown out of Billy Bishop Airport.

• 42% of Torontonians who fly from YTZ use it for both business and pleasure travel.

• Support for a US preclearance facility is high (85%).

To learn more, sign up to the YTZ mailing list here.


The poll surveyed 1,200 Toronto residents to capture perceptions and usage of BillyBishop Airport (“YTZ”) among Torontonians, as well as attitudes towards the addition of a preclearance facility.

Why Torontonians pick YTZ:

66% of Torontonians have previously flown out of YTZ, including 73% of Waterfront Toronto residents, for an average of 3+ flights per person. When asked why they chose the airport, half (49%) of passengers specified convenience and ease of access as their main reasons, especially for its proximity to downtown and the quick boarding process.

It’s not just for work – 42% of residents surveyed who use the airport have used it for both business and pleasure travel.

Community Benefits and Impact:

96% of Torontonians believe that the presence of the airport promotes economic growth for Toronto, and 93% say it benefits travelers. Among Waterfront Toronto residents, those who live closest to the airport are more likely to describe the airport as a good neighbour (74%).


The airport continues to be used by a wide range of Torontonians from across the city. Respondents who are more likely to use the airport solely for pleasure travel are more likely to be younger, female and come from lower income households. Parents with children under the age of 18 were more likely to rate their experience at YTZ favourably.

US Preclearance Facility:

More than 8 in 10 Torontonians (85%) are supportive of the introduction of a U.S. preclearance facility at YTZ, agreeing that willbring considerable benefits to passengers and the local economy.

To learn more, sign up to the YTZ mailing list here.

Source: Edelman DxI Polling, November 2021